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Supplemental Privacy Notice - PIPL


This University of Illinois Supplemental Privacy Notice - Personal Information Protection Law (“Supplemental Notice - PIPL”) supplements the University of Illinois System Privacy Statement for certain persons in the People's Republic of China ("PRC"). For the purposes of this Supplemental Notice-PIPL, "PRC" shall refer to the continental landmass under the direct control of the PRC, including the islands of Hainan Province and five major autonomous regions (e.g., Tibet, Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Ningxia and Guangxi), but excluding the Hong Kong Special Autonomous Region (SAR), Macao SAR and Taiwan.

1. Commitment to protecting privacy and transparency

The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois (the “University”), by and through its academic, research, and administrative units, is committed to respecting and protecting the privacy rights of persons in the PRC consistent with the PRC’s Personal Information Protection Law (“PIPL”). 

This Supplemental Notice - PIPL describes the University’s commitment to the privacy of persons in the PRC.

2. Does this Supplemental Notice - PIPL apply to you?

This Supplemental Notice - PIPL applies to you if:

  • You are a Person or Data Subject meaning a natural person, not a corporation, partnership, or other legal entity;


  •  The University handles your Personal Information inside the borders of the PRC.


  • You are physically located in the PRC, and
  • The University handles your Personal Information outside the borders of the PRC in order to 1) provide you goods or services, 2) analyze or assess your activities, or 3) comply with other circumstances as provided by laws or administrative regulations.

"Personal Information” means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person, not including information after anonymization handling. For the purposes of PIPL, "anonymization" refers to the process of personal information undergoing handling to make it impossible to distinguish specific natural persons and impossible to restore.

If you are located outside the PRC and you provide your Personal Information to the University outside the PRC, this Supplemental Notice – PIPL does not apply to that information.

3. What Personal Information does the University process?

General categories

The University processes the following general categories of Personal Information: names; addresses; telephone numbers; email addresses; identification numbers including but not limited to social security numbers, Resident Identity Cards, driver’s license numbers, University identification numbers, and personal identification numbers (PINs); usernames; passwords; demographic information; education history and transcripts; entrance exam scores; background check information; personal references; financial information including but not limited to credit and debit card numbers, tax information, tax identification numbers (TINs), and financial aid information; transaction histories; business information; passport and visa information; work histories; medical histories; donation histories; insurance information; military service; IP addresses; location information; device information; metadata; education records including but not limited to coursework, correspondence, evaluations, disciplinary complaints, and other records, and files maintained by the University as part of the educational process; any requests for accommodations or leave; and other information to support the purposes set forth in Table 1, below.

The University requires Personal Information only when necessary. Table 1 identifies the purposes for which the University processes Personal Information and the legal basis for each purpose.

Sensitive Personal Information

In order to fulfill certain of the purposes identified in Table 1, the University may need to request Sensitive Personal Information. Sensitive Personal Information is a special type of Personal Information that, if leaked or used illegally, could cause harm to a person’s dignity or grave harm to personal or property security. Examples of Sensitive Personal Information include but are not limited to:

  • Biometric characteristics
  • Religious beliefs
  • Specially-designated status
  • Medical health-related information
  • Financial accounts
  • Individual location tracking
  • Personal Information concerning minors under the age of 14  

The University will only process Sensitive Personal Information when necessary for a specific purpose and will take strict protective measures to ensure the security of the information obtained. Before the University processes your Sensitive Personal Information, the University will ask for your separate consent.

Purposes for which the University processes Personal Information

4. How does the University receive your Personal Information

From you

The University may receive your Personal Information when you visit University websites, apply for or attend University classes or programs, apply for or take online courses with the University, apply for financial aid or University housing, complete surveys or forms sponsored by the University, participate in University research studies, participate in work for the University at a location in the PRC, seek assistance from the University to further your education or your professional career, attend events sponsored by the University, or otherwise interact with the University.

From third parties

The University may receive your Personal Information from third parties. Examples include college entrance exam scores received from testing agencies; college applications received from organizations that provide university admissions applications (e.g., the Common Application, Inc.); online course registration information received from third parties that administer online courses (e.g., Coursera, Inc.); financial aid information from government agencies or commercial financial institutions; background information received from companies conducting export control screening or checks to support working with minors or employment with the University; and the State of Illinois Representative Office in Shanghai, companies and partner institutions abroad to facilitate study or work at the University by international students and scholars.

5. Who receives/processes your Personal Information?

University personnel

Your Personal Information may be processed by University trustees and employees, including faculty, researchers, medical professionals, financial aid counselors, human resources professionals, law enforcement officers, and others, as may be necessary to carry out the purposes for processing the information and the activities of the University.

University Related Organizations

The University may share your Personal Information with University Related Organizations, such as the University of Illinois Foundation and the University of Illinois Alumni Association. University Related Organizations are entities established for the purpose of assisting the University in the accomplishment of its educational objectives.

Third parties

The University may share your Personal Information with third parties, such as: educational platform providers and course partners to further the purposes for processing the information and the activities of the University; U.S. and foreign government entities to fulfill regulatory obligations (e.g., visa processing, tax and social security payments) and to facilitate access to funding sources (e.g., financial aid); partner institutions to facilitate study abroad and research activities; service providers to facilitate the full range of University functions (e.g., cloud storage, software); potential employers to assist with job placement; the State of Illinois Representative Office in Shanghai to facilitate study or work at the University by international students and scholars; and vendors to provide services related to your affiliation with the University (e.g., print diplomas, arrange housing) and to improve University outreach efforts.   

Please note that the University may provide anonymized data developed from Personal Information to third parties, such as government entities and research collaborators, and that such anonymized data is outside the scope of this Supplemental Notice - PIPL.

6. How long does the University keep your Personal Information?

The University retains Personal Information in accordance with applicable law. Records retention schedules for many types of University records can be found on the Records and Information Management records management webpage.

7. What are your rights as a Data Subject?

As a Data Subject pursuant to the PIPL, you have certain rights. This section of the Supplemental Notice - PIPL summarizes these rights and how you can exercise them. More detail about each right, including exceptions and limitations, can be found in Articles 15 and 44 through 50 of the PIPL.

Please note: Nothing in this Supplemental Notice - PIPL is intended by the University to waive sovereign immunity or any other defenses or immunities afforded by any or all U.S. federal laws, Illinois state laws, PRC law, or international law.

Right to know and make decisions

You have the right to know and make decisions about the processing of your Personal Information, and the right to limit or refuse the handling of your Personal Information by others, unless otherwise provided for by law.

If the purpose or method of processing your Personal Information or the type of Personal Information or who has access to your Personal Information changes, you will be notified and asked to re-consent to the change(s).

Right to consult or copy

You have the right to consult or copy your Personal Information, except when it is necessary for the University to maintain confidentiality or when otherwise provided for by applicable law. The University will respond to your requests to consult or copy your Personal Information in a timely manner.

Right to request transfer

You may request that the University transfer your Personal Information to another personal information handler. If the University is permitted to make the transfer under applicable law, the University will facilitate the transfer. 

Right to have inaccurate Personal Information corrected or supplemented

You have the right to request that the University correct any inaccurate Personal Information that it maintains about you. You also have the right to request that the University complete any incomplete Personal Information that it maintains about you, which could be accomplished by incorporating a supplementary statement that you submit. If the University concurs that the Personal Information is incorrect or incomplete, the University will correct or complete it in a timely manner. 

Right to request deletion

You have the right to request the deletion of Personal Information that the University maintains about you in certain circumstances. These circumstances are identified in Article 47 of the PIPL and include that the Personal Information is no longer necessary in relation to the purpose(s) for which it was collected.

Subject to applicable U.S. federal and state law and University policies, including but not limited to the University of Illinois System Privacy Statement and University records retention schedules, and provided that there are no overriding legitimate grounds for the University to retain the Personal Information, the University will comply with deletion requests meeting the requirements of applicable law. For the avoidance of doubt, where deletion has been requested but is technically hard to realize, the University shall cease processing the Personal Information other than for storage and taking necessary security protective measures.

Right to have the rules of processing explained

You have the right to request that the University explain to you the Personal Information handling rules.

Right to withdraw consent

If the basis for processing your Personal Information is consent, you may revoke your consent at any time. Upon receipt of your notice withdrawing consent, and if there are no other legal grounds for the processing, the University will stop processing the Personal Information unless the processing is necessary for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims or is otherwise permitted by applicable law. Revoking consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing that occurred before the revocation.

Your refusal to provide consent or your subsequent withdrawal of consent will not impact your ability to access University goods and/or services, to the extent such goods and/or services are applicable to you; provided however, it may prevent provision of University goods and services that are dependent on such a consent.

Right to file a lawsuit

If the University rejects your request to exercise your rights, you may file a lawsuit in a court of competent jurisdiction according to the law.

8. How to exercise your rights

In order to exercise any of your rights with the University, except the right to file a lawsuit in a court of competent jurisdiction, you should submit your request to the University of Illinois Ethics and Compliance Office:


Telephone: +1 866-758-2146

Address: University Ethics and Compliance Office

Human Resources Building, Room  20

One University Plaza, HRB  20

Springfield, IL 62703-5407

Attn: Privacy Compliance

At that time, you will be asked to: 1) identify yourself; 2) provide information to support that the PIPL applies to you (see Section 2, above); 3) identify the specific information or data that you are concerned about; and 4) state what right(s) you wish to exercise.

To expedite processing your request, please identify the data collection location (e.g., the website where your Personal Information was collected), if known.

In the event of a death, the next of kin of a deceased natural person may exercise the rights of an individual provided in this PIPL Supplement, such as the right of consulting, copying, correcting, and or deleting Personal Information of the deceased as detailed above, except where the deceased natural person has arranged otherwise before his/her death.

If your request to exercise your rights under PIPL is rejected, the University will explain the reason.

9. How does the University respond to requests for Personal Information?

In addition to the rights provided by the PIPL, you may also have rights with respect to your Personal Information pursuant to U.S. federal law, state law, and University policy.  When you submit a request to the University to exercise your rights, the University will respond in accordance with existing University policies and procedures that implement the relevant privacy law(s). These include, but are not limited to, policies pertaining to student education records and policies pertaining to certain health records maintained by the University. 

10. Existence of automated individual decision-making

The University, in conjunction with University Related Organizations such as the University of Illinois Foundation, uses automated decision-making, including profiling, to help identify prospective supporters of the University and its activities. The logic takes an all-factor approach to assessing a possible donor’s propensity to support the University and may result in a prospective donor being contacted to explore support opportunities. For the purposes of the PIPL, “automated decision-making” refers to the activity of using computer programs to automatically analyze or assess personal behaviors, habits, interests, or hobbies, or financial, health, credit, or other status, and then to make decisions based on the analysis of such information.

You will not be subject to a decision having a major influence on your rights and interests based solely on automated processing, including profiling, unless you explicitly consent.

11. Transfer of Personal Information outside the PRC

Except for the University of Illinois Shanghai Office, the University is based in the U.S. and is subject to U.S. and Illinois law. Personal Information that you provide to the University will generally be hosted on U.S. servers. To the extent that the University needs to transfer your information either (a) from the PRC to the U.S. or another country or (b) from the U.S. to another country other than the PRC, the University will do so consistent with applicable law governing such transfers. To support such transfers, the University will generally enter into a contract containing certain standard terms to clearly establish the rights and responsibilities of the parties to the transfer.

In addition, to the extent the following information is not included in this Supplemental Notice – PIPL, the University will notify you of the of the name and contact information of the overseas recipient, the purpose of the transfer and method of processing, the type of Personal Information involved, and how you can exercise your rights. The University will also obtain your separate consent to the transfer unless such separate consent is not required by applicable law.

12. How do I contact the personal information handler?

The University is the personal information handler. If you have any questions about anything contained in this Supplemental Notice - PIPL, please contact the University of Illinois Ethics and Compliance Office:


Telephone:+1 866-758-2146

Address: University Ethics and Compliance Office

Human Resources Building, Room 20

One University Plaza, HRB 20

Springfield, IL 62703-5407

Attn: Privacy Compliance

13. Updates to Supplemental Notice - PIPL

The University may update this Supplemental Notice - PIPL from time to time. Any changes will become effective upon posting of the revised Supplemental Notice - PIPL.

Issued: 11/1/2021

Effective: 11/1/2021

Last revised: 2/23/2022


English Version


1. 保护隐私及透明度承诺



2. 本补充通知-PIPL是否适用您?








3. 大学处理哪些个人信息?















4. 大学如何接收您的个人信息



大学可能会从第三方接收您的个人信息。例如,从考试机构获取的大学入学考试成绩;从提供大学入学申请的组织(如Common Application, Inc.)收到的大学申请;从管理在线课程的第三方(如Coursera, Inc.)接收的在线课程注册信息;政府机构或商业金融机构的经济资助信息;为支持与未成年人合作或受雇于大学而进行出口管制审查或检查的公司所提供的背景资料;以及伊利诺伊州驻上海代表处,国外的公司,及合作机构,为国际学生和学者在大学学习或工作提供便利。

5. 谁会接收/处理您的个人信息?







请注意,大学可能会向第三方(如政府实体和研究合作方)提供由个人信息开发的匿名数据,而此类匿名数据不在本补充通知- PIPL的范围内。

6. 大学将您的个人信息保存多久?


7. 您作为数据主体享有哪些权利?

根据PIPL,作为数据主体,您享有某些权利。本补充声明- PIPL概述了这些权利以及如何行使这些权利。关于每项权利的更多细节,包括豁免和限制,详见PIPL第15、44和50条。

请注意:本补充声明- PIPL并不打算放弃任何或所有美国联邦法律、伊利诺伊州法律、中国法律或国际法规定的主权豁免或任何其他抗辩或豁免。




















8. 如何行使您的权利



电话: +1 866-758-2146

地址: University Ethics and Compliance Office
Human Resources Building, Room  20
One University Plaza, HRB  20
Springfield, IL 62703-5407

伊利诺伊州斯普林菲尔德市大学广场1号,HRB 20,人力资源大楼20室大学道德与合规办公室,62703-5407
收件人: 隐私合规处

9. 大学如何满足索取个人信息的要求?


10. 自动化决策的存在



11. 向中国境外转移个人信息


此外,在某种程度上以下信息不包括在本补充通知– PIPL范围之内,大学将通知您的境外收件人的名称和联系信息,转移目的和处理方式,涉及个人信息的类型,以及如何行使您的权利。大学还将获得您对转移的单独同意,除非适用法律不要求此类单独同意。

12. 如何联系个人信息处理者?

大学是个人信息处理者。如果您对本补充通知- PIPL中所包含的任何内容有任何疑问,请联系伊利诺伊大学道德与合规办公室:


电话:     +1 866-758-2146

地址: University Ethics and Compliance Office
Human Resources Building, Room 20
One University Plaza, HRB 20
Springfield, IL 62703-5407

伊利诺伊州斯普林菲尔德市大学广场1号,HRB 20,人力资源大楼20室大学道德与合规办公室,62703-5407
收件人: 隐私合规处

13. 补充通知-PIPL的更新

大学可能会不时更新本补充通知- PIPL。任何更改将在修订后的补充通知- PIPL发布后生效。

发布日期: 11/1/2021
生效日期:  11/1/2021
最近一次修订日期: 2/23/2022