University of Illinois System
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Generative AI


With the sudden general availability, adoption, and hype of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications like ChatGPT, the University of Illinois System has started on a journey to explore potential near and long-term risks and opportunities of generative AI. This web site has been developed to help:

  • Create awareness
  • Provide guidance and support
  • Engage in conversation and foster collaboration opportunities

As generative AI evolves over time this site will be updated with a goal to maintain the three objectives listed above. Given the complexity, uncertainty, and rapidly evolving topic of generative AI, please consider that some material may be dated and therefore not as accurate. If you discover outdated information or have any feedback, please provide comments via the Engage and Collaborate page.

Our perspective

The University of Illinois System recognizes the potential benefits of generative AI, in enhancing teaching, research, and healthcare for our students, our state, and the world. However, we acknowledge the need for appropriate and responsible use. We are committed to using generative AI ethically and in alignment with our guiding principles and our mission, to transform lives and serve society by educating, creating knowledge, and putting knowledge to work on a large scale and with excellence.

We believe that the responsible use of generative AI requires a multidisciplinary approach, involving collaboration between faculty, IT professionals, researchers, students, and others. We acknowledge that this technology will evolve, and that continued dialogue is needed. To that end, the U of I System is actively monitoring this topic and is engaging with stakeholders.

Understand what Generative AI can do

Choose what the U of I System should do