University of Illinois System
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Reimbursement Instructions

The travel funding is provided as a reimbursement to the department once the department has provided reimbursement for the conference travel to the student. The department will be reimbursed for the amount actually reimbursed to the student minus the required departmental contribution (minimum of $200), up to a maximum of $600.

Detailed instructions for obtaining reimbursement to the department are below and have also been provided to the student along with their award notification.

  1. (Student) Complete conference travel, retaining receipts as required by University policy.
  2. (Student’s home department; i.e. unit student matriculates in) Submit conference expenses for reimbursement through your department per departmental practice.
  3. Reimbursement to the student should be made by the department via appropriate travel reimbursement practices.
  4. Once the travel reimbursement has been processed, the departmental business manager should forward a copy of the request for reimbursement to Becky White ( of the Vice President for Academic Affairs Office.
  5. A journal voucher will be processed to reimburse the department for up to $600 of the student’s travel expense. Per the award guidelines, the department is responsible for at least the first $200 of the student’s expense.
  6. Students who are awarded a Conference Travel Award are required to submit to their department receipts supporting travel expenses. The Vice President for Academic Affairs Office does not require these receipts; however, the department should keep copies of the award letter, relevant vouchers, and receipts on file for audit purposes.

Please direct all questions to the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, University-Wide Student Programs at or at (217) 333-2030.