University of Illinois System

Ethical Recruitment of Students

University of Illinois System Policy

Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to prevent and eliminate fraudulent and aggressive recruitment of students (including but not limited to veterans and Military Service members) to the university.  

Scope: All units, employees, and agents of the University of Illinois System.

Authority: Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs; 34 CFR 668; Department of Defense Voluntary Education Partnership Memorandum of Understanding


(1) The university does not use third parties or agents to represent it for purposes of recruiting or enrolling students. Only appointed employees, trained students, or trained alumni of the university are authorized to officially represent the university in recruiting and enrolling students through direct contact with the applicant, their parents or legal guardians, spouse, or school counselors.

(2) No one may offer an inducement (including a gratuity, favor, discount, entertainment, hospitality, loan, transportation, lodging, meals or other items) to any individual or entity or its agents, for the purpose of securing enrollment of students or obtaining access to federal financial aid or tuition assistance funds.

(3) No one may provide any commission, bonus, or other incentive payment based directly or indirectly on securing enrollment of federal financial aid to any person or entities engaged in student recruiting, admission activities.

(4) No one may engage in High-Pressure Tactics to recruit or secure enrollment of students.

(5) Substantial Misrepresentation about the nature of the university’s educational program, financial charges, or employability of graduates is prohibited in all forms. 


High-Pressure Tactics includes but is not limited to making three or more unsolicited contacts by phone, email, or in person or engaging in same-day recruitment and registration.

Military Service means the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, National Guard and their reserve components.

Substantial Misrepresentation means a false, erroneous, or misleading statement on which the recipient could be reasonably expected to rely --or has relied on -- to his or her detriment.

Exceptions: The use of commissioned agents to recruit students who are neither US citizens nor US permanent residents is a recognized exception. Agents must ensure that their relationship is completely transparent to students and families and conducted with integrity and accountability. Statement of Principles of Good Practice: NACAC’s Code of Ethics and Professional Practices


Julian D. Parrott, Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs, 378 Henry Admin Bldg, 217.333.3079;

Published: October 29, 2018


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